Advancing in Entreperenurship and Innovation


The Gateway Excellence Start-up Center is the central point for students and scientists who are interested in founding a company, as well as startups, at the University of Cologne.
The free services provided by the ESC include among other things start-up coaching, advice on funding, incubator spaces, and an accelerator program. Additionally, students and researchers can acquire know-how, e.g. on topics such as entrepreneurship, data science or design thinking, with various seminars and workshops the ESC offers and hosts.
Last but not least; Contacts in the Cologne start-up ecosystem can be established at numerous networking events.

The latest news on events - and individual aspects on the startups - are to be found on the ESC social media channels and the website.

Center of Entrepreneurship of the Mohamed V University of Rabat

The Center of Entrepreneurship of the Mohammed V University of Rabat (CUE) aims to raise awareness of entrepreneurship, train and strengthen the entrepreneurial capacities of students and doctoral researchers by supporting their ideas and accompanying them in the realization of their entrepreneurial initiatives.

This center seeks to promote the entrepreneurial spirit within the University and the Students by having a better knowledge of companies, the mechanism used to create a company and the entrepreneurial approach for a sustainable business. By increasing the number of start-ups, the university and its students are able to reinforce the impact of innovation on the economy, both at a national and international level.

The Goals of the CUE are realized by offering multiple training and support programs designed to strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of the Students and develop their innovative ideas and business projects. By acquiring theses skills, students will be able to identify business opportunities and are ready to act when issues are identified. Therefore, the CUE is a space for capacity Building at the service of new companies.

Since the beginning of the CUE, multiple start-ups were created in different fields such as Blockchain, agriculture and digitalization. More Information about these start-ups: