Green WaTech and SynergyTek

Two new start-up ideas from the Université Mohammed V will benefit from the support of ADENIN: Green WaTech and SynergyTek
Green WaTech: Salma Bougarrani & Dr. Lahbib Latrach
Solution innovante pour le traitment et la réutilisation des eaux usées (Innovative solution for the treatment and reuse of waste water)
Green WATECH offers the rural population the fundamental right to access to sanitation services, by using a new innovative solution for the treatment and reuse of wastewater (based on a Moroccan-Japanese patent). In Morocco, more than 14 million inhabitants, grouped in about 32,000 villages, suffer from the lack of sanitation service. This nested filter solution perfectly meets the Moroccan kingdom’s prospects in terms of environmental protection, improving the quality of life of the rural population and achieving sustainable development objectives (SDO), in particular SDO n°6 ‘Water and Sanitation for All’.
This new ‘nested filter’ process is intended for the treatment of domestic wastewater at the level of small communities and villages in rural areas. The process consists of collecting domestic wastewater, filtering and treating it to obtain high quality water that can be safely reused for irrigation. The application of the nested filter process offers an ecological, sustainable and economical solution due to its low investment and maintenance costs.